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Is the universe infinite??

  As a child or adult, one question that have definitely aroused in everyone's mind is  "Is this universe infinite or it has some boundaries?" as a science or  astronomy student this might be the first question to arouse in students mind.  Coming back to the answer of this beautiful question- The observable universe is still huge but it has limits. This is because we know that the universe isn't infinitely old - we know that the big bang occured some 13.8 billion years ago. So from this we can conclude that the light has had only 13.8 billion years to travel and hence defines the limitations of universe. All we know or scientists believe is that universe is still far above  from our observable distance but at some point it has limits for sure.

Is there possibility of existing life on Mars??

Without talking about here and there, I will come straight to the topic.
 The possibility of existence of life on mars is a topic of significant interest. Mars is of particular interest for the origin of life as it has similarly  to the early earth. This is so because the mars has the cold climate and thus it has remain unchanged since a long time of about billion years. Atleast 2/3rd of the mars surface is 3.5 billion years old.

The finding of organic compounds inside the sedimentary rocks and of boron on mars are of interest as they indicated towards preboitic chemistry.
Such findings along with the discovery that the liquid water was clearly present on the ancient mars further supports the possibility of life on mars.

In June 2018, the NASA  announce d the detection of seasonal variation of methane on mars. Methane could be produced by microorganisms or geological means. This largely supports life existence there.

Chemical , physical, geological and geographic attributes shape the environments on mars. Isolated measurements of these factors may be insufficient to deem an environmental habitat But the sum of measurements can help predict the locations with greater or lesser habitability potential.

Liquid water is necessary but not the sufficient condition as humans know it.
Also liquid can not exist on the surface of mars ,it present on the lower surface of mars bot that also not in the form of liquid water but in the form of snow being melted by the heat of sun for a duration of few minutes .
So at all, to the date there is no proof of the past or present life on mars but the mars is the only planet in the entire solar system  after earth which has some possibility of existence of life.


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Is the universe infinite??

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