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Is the universe infinite??

  As a child or adult, one question that have definitely aroused in everyone's mind is  "Is this universe infinite or it has some boundaries?" as a science or  astronomy student this might be the first question to arouse in students mind.  Coming back to the answer of this beautiful question- The observable universe is still huge but it has limits. This is because we know that the universe isn't infinitely old - we know that the big bang occured some 13.8 billion years ago. So from this we can conclude that the light has had only 13.8 billion years to travel and hence defines the limitations of universe. All we know or scientists believe is that universe is still far above  from our observable distance but at some point it has limits for sure.

Astral projection

You all might have seen the tv show shaktimaan in your childhood.
In many of its episodes you would have seen the soul of the shaktimaan and his guru releasing out from their bodies , whenever they do" jaap"
or a kind of meditation. 
You all might have enjoyed watching it but do you know it is also possible in real life and what it is called?
so here is the answer to your question.This whole process of separation of soul from body is called as "astral projection".

Astral projection is a term used to define an intention al out of body experience that assumes the existense of a soul or consiciousness called "astral body" that is separate from the physical body and capable of travelling outside it throughout the universe.

Although it looks possible  scientifically and factually bout still practically it has been mentioned as not possible and has been included in "pseudoscience".
I hope a interest is been developed in your brain to practice the same,and you will love to  know more about it, many other questions regarding this will be coming in your mind, no problem you can ask them in the comments section below.


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Is the universe infinite??

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